*** ----> Bahrain condemns terror attack in Pakistan | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain condemns terror attack in Pakistan

Manama :  Bahrain has strongly condemned the terror attack on a Police Training Centre in Quetta city in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan that killed and injured several of innocent people.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expresses its sincere condolences and sympathies to the families of the victims and wishes quick recovery to those wounded as a result of this terrorist attack which contravenes all religious doctrines, and principles of ethics and humaneness," according to the statement issued by the Ministry.

"It stresses the support of the Kingdom of Bahrain to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in its fight against terrorism and efforts to maintain peace and security as well as it calls for the need for a decisive countering of violence, extremism and terrorism in all its forms, consolidating the international community's efforts to uproot this scourge phenomenon that undermines international peace and security, and to drain the source of terrorism funding to save the states and peoples of the whole world from its panics and evils."