*** EWA to exempt worship places from paying bills | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

EWA to exempt worship places from paying bills

ManamaPlaces of worship may soon be exempted from paying charges for electricity and water services if a parliamentary recommendation is approved and implemented by the Government.

The Parliament’s Public Utilities and Services Committee put forward the proposal during its weekly meeting at Gudaibiya yesterday, where it discussed several topics with officials from the Electricity and Water Authority (EWA).

“In regards to the redirection of electricity and water services’ subsidies, the committee passed a proposal to amend the law and exempt worship places from paying for the services. The committee will refer the matter to the council (Parliament) for further studying and approval,” said Committee Chairman Hamad Al Dossary.

The MP also mentioned that several other projects related to enhancing electricity and water services in Bahrain were discussed with the concerned officials and experts during the meeting. 

Electricity and Water Affairs Minister Dr. Abdulhussain Mirza had earlier announced that electricity and water tariffs for non-Bahrainis will double starting March, 2016.