*** Alba begins upgrade for Reduction Lines | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Alba begins upgrade for Reduction Lines

ManamaAluminium Bahrain (Alba), the Bahrain-based international aluminium smelter, has kick-started an upgrade project aimed to increase the amperage of Reduction Lines 4 and 5. 

The project - new pot lining design and installation that will allow the increase in amperage on Reduction Lines 4 and 5 - will empower Alba to be aligned with its industry peers (aluminium smelters) in terms of amperage and productivity.

Commenting on the project, Alba’s Chief Executive Officer, Tim Murray with acting Chief Operations Officer, Amin Sultan inaugurated the project in the presence of Director Reduction Lines & Services Abdulla Habib and Department Managers.  

Speaking on the occasion, Alba’s CEO Tim Murray stated: “This project is in line with project Titan - Phase II and will give us increased efficiency and productivity as well as boost our competitiveness in the challenging global market.  Upon the completion of the upgrade project, Alba expects to further increase its per annum production by 35,000 metric tonnes, thus accelerating our target of 1 million metric tonnes by end of  2017.”