*** Man stabs employer to death | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Man stabs employer to death

Manama : An Asian worker killed his employer and injured another man at a carpentry shop in Aali town in Northern Governorate yesterday afternoon.

During a brawl, the culprit used a lethal weapon to murder his employer, who is also his sponsor.

Northern Governorate Police General Director Colonel Abdulla Al Jairan confirmed on Twitter that “an Asian (was) held for murdering a Bahraini and injuring another during a fight in Aali.”

An eyewitness revealed that “the culprit also tried to kill another man, but the latter brought events to rest after striking on the head of the assailant with a plank.”

According to the Interior Ministry, forensic teams examined the crime scene and the culprit was nabbed following an investigation.

Sources said “the culprit apparently wanted to return to his native place, but when his sponsor refused, he attacked him.”