*** ----> MPs reject privileges for foreign kin of Bahrainis | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MPs reject privileges for foreign kin of Bahrainis

Manama : A group of lawmakers dismissed a proposal to grant more privileges to foreign relatives of Bahrainis. 

The parliamentary panel refused to pass a proposal to grant equal rights to children of Bahraini women married to foreigners, in terms of receiving financial support. 

The proposal was submitted by MP Isa Turki to the council’s Woman and Child Committee. 

It stipulates that these children should benefit from special needs allowances, treatment-abroad services and enrolment in educational and rehabilitation  centres.

However, the lawmaker mentioned in his proposal that the children should be staying in Bahrain and have valid residency permits.

But the committee rejected the proposal after it was proven to consist of constitutional violations.

The panel’s decision came as a result of consulting
several official and civil authorities that included Labour and Social Development, Education and Health Ministries, in addition to the Supreme Council for Women and other special needs care societies.

On the other hand, the same committee passed another proposal to provide widowed and divorced women of Bahraini men with governmental financial support.

“The aim of the proposal is to protect the Bahraini family cohesion, overcome economic difficulties and support foreign mothers of Bahraini children,” the panel added.

The House of Representatives will vote on the recommendations of the committee on both proposals. This will determine if they
will be referred to the government for approval or to be returned to the committee for review.