*** ----> Gulf Air flights may get sky marshals | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Gulf Air flights may get sky marshals

Manama : The Kingdom’s national carrier Gulf Air may soon get sky marshals aboard to prevent terrorist attacks and hijacking attempts.

This would turn out be a reality, if the government approves a parliamentary proposal to form a new security agency that is tasked to protect Gulf Air flights and passengers.

Submitted by Parliament’s Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee Chairman Abdulla Binhowail last November, the proposal stipulates the formation of the new agency, which is supposed to operate under the supervision of Interior Ministry.

In an explanatory message that was submitted to the council back then, Binhowail said the proposal comes in line with “the increasing terrorist threats that target airplanes across the world and the region.”

“We must take precautionary procedures to protect our national carrier and its passengers from terrorist attacks and hijacking attempts. Forming this specialised public agency, to operate under Interior Ministry’s umbrella, would surely serve this purpose. All Gulf Air flights should be provided with trained and armoured secret agents to ensure the protection of passengers,” the lawmaker said.

The proposal was discussed in a meeting recently held between committee members and representatives of Interior Ministry.

The ministry has requested more time to study the proposal. The officials told committee members that “the ministry has trained forces for this purpose, but they’re not present on-board flights as mentioned in the proposal.” 

They also added that “the national carrier’s approval should be obtained and implementing the proposal would require inking several agreements in this regard.”

The panel members have endorsed the proposal and prepared a report that would be voted on by fellow MPs before it could be referred to the government.


MP Abdulla Binhowail