*** ----> ISB parents urged to attend AGM | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

ISB parents urged to attend AGM

ManamaUnited Parents Panel (UPP) led by Rafeeq Abdulla urged the parents of Indian School Bahrain to attend the Annual General Meeting on Friday at Riffa campus.

There were low turnouts from the side of parents during the past AGMs, which, he said, was the major reason behind the anti-parents/students proposals from the management.

“Parents should be aware that the fee hike decision was taken during the last AGM in the presence of a handful of parents. Another fee hike is being planned this time in a tricky way. Parents can oppose and correct them by attending the AGM and showing their strength,” Abdulla said.

Fee hike was not in the agenda of last AGM as well as this AGM, Abdulla pointed out, adding that parents should support any good decision the committee takes for the benefit of the school, but at the same time oppose any hidden agendas.

Parents, who cannot afford any more fee hike, should put pressure on the management through AGMs to reveal its agenda about any fee hike.

Meanwhile, Abdulla urged the management to rather concentrate on improving academic excellence. 

“Unfortunately, the current committee has not taken any positive steps in this regard except for their political and financial benefits. They have created and appointed a number of unnecessary posts in the school in the name of academic improvements,” he alleged.

The UPP leader suggested the introduction of e-tendering for more transparency, adding that the management should declare information to parents about the number of offers received as well as the names of people.

“Though the management claimed reduction of unimportant expenses, they have increased expenses in many other ways to satisfy their supporters. This financial mismanagement will lead the school into a huge financial burden,” he added.

“As per the latest audit report, the number of staff have been reduced, but the salary has increased by BD108,630. These are incurred by unwanted postings and salary increments for their supporters. Salary hike should be applied equally to all the staff without any discrimination,” Abdulla said.

The UPP leaders also slammed the panel for not paying the transport company for the past eight months.

ISB management responds

Referring to the UPP allegations, ISB secretary Dr Shemily P John revealed that all the appointments are made in order to meet the inevitable requirements of the school. 

“Tenders are always followed as per proper procedure, ensuring the tabulated list of the lowest quoted vendors. Currently, all extravagant functional cost has been reduced and all parents are aware of these,” she pointed out.

She added that parents are highly encouraged to attend the AGM, as people who have no political interests are supporting this committee.

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