*** ----> MPs bat for fingerprint, eye scanners at all entry points | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MPs bat for fingerprint, eye scanners at all entry points

Manama : Parliamentarians here are holding on to a proposal to have fingerprint and eye scanners at all entry points of the Kingdom.

In a lengthy meeting with the committee, the Ministry’s representatives underlined the importance of the proposal saying, “This would regulate entry to the Kingdom and prevent unwanted individuals from entering or re-entering Bahrain using fake documents or names.”

“The proposal comes to prevent terrorists from entering Bahrain and ensure that blacklisted individuals will not be able to re-enter after changing their details and identities,” Abdullah Binhowail, presenter of the proposal and Committee Head said.

The proposal was referred to Interior Ministry last January for approval by Parliament’s Foreign Affairs, Defence
and National Security Committee.

“The Ministry is concerned about developing the means to protect the country. It’s necessary to keep up with the latest technologies to serve this purpose. Such modern devices are required, especially at Bahrain International Airport where the majority of visitors enter the country. These devices should also be linked with other entry and exit points like the Nationality, Passports and Residence Affairs Directorate, the Central Informatics Organisation and the Labour Market Regulatory Authority,” the officials told committee members in a recent meeting.

Binhowail told DT News earlier that he suggests the Ministry to create a database of fingerprints and eye scans to facilitate security, criminal and civil purposes, and to prevent the entry and re-entry of terrorists and blacklisted individuals.

Majority of committee members agreed to the proposal and the matter would be voted during this week’s parliament meeting on Tuesday, before it could be referred to the Government.


Eye scanner used in airports.


Fingerprint scanner used in airports across the world.