*** ----> Missile shield need of the hour | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Missile shield need of the hour

ManamaIn light of the growing threats of ballistic missiles, the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) nations should develop a defensive shield as soon as possible. 

This was suggested by Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa during an interview to Al Arabiya channel, yesterday. 

Prince Salman is in Abu Dhabi to attend the  15th Fikr Conference, organised by the Arab Thought Foundation. 

While sharing his views on Bahrain and the GCC’s significant progress, Prince Salman said that the joint defence cooperation agreement or the security agreement between GCC nations is a success, given the turbulence in the region. 

Prince Salman stressed that the GCC has succeeded in becoming one block and a pondering entity on the regional and international levels.

Commenting further on the GCC unity, Prince Salman said, “At this stage we want to build the GCC from the base, because building a system hastily makes it fragile after 20 years.”

“If structured right and built in accordance with common interests and unified the laws and concepts, all of these things are solved. If you look, for example, to our dealings with the Security Council, we are dealing as a unified, co-operative council,” he added. 

Moving ahead, Prince Salman, however, pointed out that it is only natural to have differences in views on occasion, when dealing with issues of common interest. 

“But what makes me comfortable is that there is rarely a difference in the overall goal, only occasionally in the means of achieving that goal, and that does not worry me,” the Crown Prince added.   

Elaborating, Prince Salman stressed that the security situation remain a major challenge in the region, which means we must cooperate and unite to repel any external interference. 

“In fact, I am saddened at the sight of what is happening in some Arab countries,” he said emphasising the need to promote national identity - or Arab identity to prevent the threats of sectarianism and division across the region.  

In this regard, the Crown Prince also said, “…the role of religious leaders must be confined to religious

“Unfortunately, the role of clergy men has extended to other affairs… put it like this: if somebody is ill would he/she go to the doctor or the cleric?” 

“Religion is paramount to humanity – we are all Muslims – but Muslims feel betrayed when Islam is being purged from its original values and principles,” viewed Prince Salman adding that  it is hurting, “when Islam is being politicised.” 

The New Bridge 

While commenting on the second Causeway between Bahrain and Saudi, HRH the Crown Prince said that the new bridge is being planned in response to the need. 

“The waiting time at King Fahd Causeway is long during the weekends and official holidays, and we also do not want the goods we receive from Saudi Arabia to be delayed and vice versa,” pointed out
Prince Salman. 

In this regard, he also  revealed that Bahrain is considering the possibility of developing the new bridge through “Build, Operate, Transfer” (BOT) system. 

“International companies will receive approval for building the bridge and then they build it. They receive revenue until they cover their costs, and then they hand over the bridge.” 

Prince Salman also revealed that companies in the Gulf, Europe, Turkey and China have expressed their interest and discussions are progressing.