*** ----> Batelco special reward for home internet users | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Batelco special reward for home internet users

ManamaBatelco is offering free treats to its home Internet customers to mark the National Day. The offer is also valid for new customers. 

From 15th December, Batelco is automatically boosting Home Internet speed to more than three times minimum speed as high as 10 Mbps for customers subscribed to BD5 package, while other customers will receive an additional free 1TB of usage on top of their existing usage, for example, subscribers to Batelco’s Super Fast 500Mbps will get a total of 2.5TB usage.

Batelco is giving customers the opportunity to try the higher speed for free and also rewarding customers with free WiFi Enhancement Solution with every upgrade to extend the WiFi coverage at their homes. 

Batelco Bahrain CEO Muna Al Hashemi said, “Batelco, as a leading Bahraini organisation, is delighted to celebrate the Kingdom’s National Day by sharing treats with its customers. Exceeding our customers’ expectations is our priority and we look forward to adding more enhancements in the New Year.”

For more information log on to www.batelco.com or call 196.