*** ----> Bahrain condemns terrorist attack in Germany | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain condemns terrorist attack in Germany

Manama :  Bahrain has condemned the terrorist truck ramming which targeted a Christmas Market in Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, killing and injuring tens of innocent people, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"It expresses its heartfelt condolences and consolation to the families of the victims and wishes of speedy recovery to the injured people in this horrific terrorist assault that aims to kill, spread panic and threaten lives of safe people.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirms the Kingdom of Bahrain’s solidarity with the Federal Republic of Germany in this painful incident and its support for the measures it takes to protect the country from terrorism.

It also stresses the need for joint international efforts to counter terrorist crimes that seek to spread chaos and terrorize world countries and peoples."

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