*** Tatweer launches oil and gas emergency number | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Tatweer launches oil and gas emergency number

ManamaIn an effort to ensure a safe and risk-free camping experience, Tatweer Petroleum has launched the telephone hotline number 88 88 3, a new emergency number in case of oil and gas emergencies.  

“Safety is our primary objective at Tatweer Petroleum,” said Tommy McKenzie, Tatweer Petroleum CEO.  

“This emergency number gives the campers a direct means of communication with our emergency response team in order to quickly take action in case of and oil and gas emergency.  We urge campers to use this number whenever they witness an emergency or a violation by other campers or field visitors that could put their lives or those of others at risk,” he said.


The company also urged campers to follow the communicated safety exclusion zones around oil and gas facilities, and to take care while driving in the Bahrain Oil Field, 
following the posted speed limits.  

There have been several reports of road traffic accidents and in the beginning of the camping season.

Tatweer has worked closely with the Southern Governorate and all stakeholders to close off the areas that are hazardous for campers and congested with oil and gas facilities that contain high pressure oil and gas pipelines as well as high voltage overhead power lines.