*** ----> Arab woman knocked down, humiliated in public | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Arab woman knocked down, humiliated in public

Manma : A drunk Arab woman was knocked down and humiliated in public by a man on Saturday night.

The man and woman, in their twenties, engaged in a fight in Juffair on Saturday night at around 11:00pm. The couple, reportedly from Saudi Arabia, were in a queue to enter a New Years celebration event at Premiere Hotel before the fight broke out. They argued loudly, screaming and swearing in Arabic at each other for 10 minutes before they came to blows. It is not clear who initiated the fight but both of them exchanged blows.

"The first thing i saw was the woman kicking the man, and in response he slapped her. The girl was drunk and she was raging and had no control over her emotions. The man did not seem as drunk but he was just as violent. They took their fight away from the hotel premises and closer to the road side. The woman was knocked down and she lay on the ground crying for five minutes. Later when she started swearing again, the man came back to attack her." an eye witness said.

"The fight ended only when the girl's female friend arranged a ride to take her away. Even as the car came to pick up she could not get up, she was so disoriented that she could not stand up. She was overweight so they found it difficult to carry her, at one point she fell to the ground after she was picked up." the eye witness added.