*** ----> Retirees move to top place | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Retirees move to top place

ManamaRetirees team (53 points) moved to top place following an 8-0 win over Marketing (53), who dropped to second place after the ninth round of matches, in the Bapco Interdepartmental Bowling League at the Ozone Entertainment Centre in Sitra Mall.

Top scoring for the Retirees was team captain Hussain Al Qaseer (248) high game and (611) high series and for Marketing it was Abdulla Abdul Kareem (212) game and team captain Mohammed Hassan Janahi (610) series.

Human Resources (52) dropped down to third after Projects (39) moved to seventh after a 6-2 win. The main scorer for Projects was Hassan Kamal Hubaishi (233) game and (613) series and for Human Resources international player Yousif Falah (258) high games of week and (723) high series of week.

Other results: (player, game, series): 

Production (Ahmad Hazeem, 196, 548) bt Information Technology (Waleed Othman, 241, 599) 6-2.

Engineering (Abdulla Saleh, 196, 521) bt Tatweer (Yaseen Al Ansari, 187, 506) 6-2. 

Refining (Jassim Ebrahim, 185, Yousif Al Wazeer, 503) bt Ladies (Glenda Cunningham, 126, Nazeeha, 383) 8-0. 

Gas (Farooq M.Saleh, 205, Ebrahim Abdulla, 507) bt Security (Nabeel Yousif, 206, 579) 6-2.

Standings (nine rounds): 1) Retirees (53 points), 2) Marketing, 3) Human Resources (52), 4) Production (48), 5) Information Technology (40),  6) Engineering (40), 7) Projects (39), 8) Refining (37), 9) Security (34), 10) Ladies (13).

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