*** ----> Iran’s support is evident in Bahrain jail attack | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Iran’s support is evident in Bahrain jail attack

ManamaIran’s support is evident behind the attack on “Jau prison”  killing  a policeman and wounding another on Sunday, the  Interior Ministry said in a Twitter message yesterday.

Reacting to an Iranian TV channel, the Interior Ministry said that it is an “evidence of the Iranian direct support to the terror acts.” 

Referring to the TV channel Ahl Al Bayt, which gloated over the death of the fallen serviceman while performing his duty, the Interior Ministry said that it reflects the Iranian persistence to interfere in the internal affairs of the Kingdom of Bahrain.

Meanwhile, the Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit slammed certain regional powers, led by Iran while condemning the terrorist armed attack on the reformation and rehabilitation centre which enabled several terror convicts to escape.

“Iran is adamant on interfering in the internal affairs of Arab countries and fuelling unrest by exporting a heinous and sectarian-tainted mantra. Such a subversive policy undermines the confidence of the Arab countries in the possibility of building normal and constructive relations with Iran on the basis of good neighbourhood and mutual respect,” Aboul Gheit said.

He voiced full solidarity with Bahrain’s leadership in waging the war on terrorism and rejecting external interference in its internal affairs.

During Manama Dialogue held last month the Arab-League chief  had  urged Iran to respect the sovereignty of the other countries to keep the stability and security mechanism of the entire region intact.

“No stability in the Middle East can be guaranteed without a total change in behaviour by Iran, “Aboul Gheit said, adding that the Iranian approach to defend or protect the Shias living in other countries is basically creating problems.

“The protection of the rights of the minorities is the basic duty of the respective states by making sure minorities are not marginalized. This job cannot be done by other countries as this amounts to a direct interference in the internal affairs of others,” Aboul Gheit said.

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