*** ----> Draft media law | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Draft media law

ManamaThe Cabinet meeting chaired yesterday discussed a draft Press and e-Media Law that would replace Law 47/2002 on the Organisation of the Press, Printing and Publishing in the Kingdom.

The draft law is aimed at regulating the electronic media of media outlets. It stipulates that no journalist or media personnel shall be remanded in custody for being accused of the crimes mentioned in the bill. It also stipulates that no journalist or media person shall be sacked from their work until the Information Affairs Ministry and the relevant professional body involving press and media personnel are notified of the reasons for sacking at least one month before.

The bill also criminilises assaults on journalists, media persons or a correspondent for their work. In case of assaults, the punishment will be equal to assaulting an on-duty public servant.

The draft law tackles the organisation of press, printing and publishing and the issuance of newspapers and e-papers. 

The bill was referred to the Ministerial Committee for Social Services, Communication and Media, under the chairmanship of Deputy Premier, HH Shaikh Ali bin Khalifa Al Khalifa.

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