*** ----> Nabeel Rajab detained | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Nabeel Rajab detained

Manama : Activist Nabeel Rajab has been detained for 15 days by the Public Prosecution over accusations of spreading false news and malicious rumours about the local affairs of the Kingdom. 

Prosecutors say that the defendant disseminated false news during war time, which could potentially jeopardise the ongoing military operations carried out by Bahrain army as well as weakening the social fabric of the country. 

Rajab has also been accused of degrading several sister countries publicly. The defendant is already standing trial in connection with spreading false news, insulting a sister country and the Ministry of Interior. 

The Capital Governorate’s Prosecution Chief Mohammed Al Maliki stated earlier in a statement that the police detained a man (Nabeel Rajab) after his Twitter account included untrue news on the ongoing military operation in Yemen which is taking place in support of the legitimate government. 

The defendant reportedly published also remarks termed offensive against the Ministry of Interior.  According to the indictment list, he alleged that the Ministry of Interior is torturing prisoners, humiliating them, denying them education and degrading dignity. He, as per the same, depicted the measures taken by the security forces during the Jaw Prison riots as torture. 

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