*** Premier opens 43rd Fine Arts Exhibition | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Premier opens 43rd Fine Arts Exhibition

ManamaBahraini artists should use art as a means to serve their country politically, intellectually and culturally, said Prime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa.

Art has become a means to communicate with the world, and we have to adapt it to highlight the political, economic and social progress witnessed by Bahrain to the world,” the Premier said. 

The Prime Minister also urged to invest in art in a way that serves the national economy, within a comprehensive investment that targets culture. HRH Premier made the statements as he opened the 43rd edition of the Bahrain Fine Arts Exhibition at the Bahrain National Museum yesterday. 

The Premier was informed about paintings and artistic works the displayed at the expo as he toured the pavilions.

“Bahraini artists boast a renewed creativity that they have passed from one generation to another, and have managed to enrich it,” HRH Premier said while affirming the government’s support to the cultural and artistic activities in the Kingdom.

HRH the Prime Minister stressed that over the years, the Bahrain Fine Arts Exhibition has become a well-recognised specialised regional and international event, adding that the increasing number of participating artists indicates the expo’s outstanding success,.

Shaikha Mai bint Mohammed Al Khalifa voiced pride in the expo’s keenness to be a platform for showcasing distinguished art works of Bahraini and expatriate artists, noting that art is a global language that unites all.

This year’s expo, themed “If Our Monuments Could Speak” is being held at the National Theatre.

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