*** Bahraini pair win Monday Madness | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahraini pair win Monday Madness

ManamaThe young Bahraini pairing of Ali Al Hakam and Ali Al Kowari (23 points on countback) narrowly won the first competition of a new Monday Madness Night Golf Series at the Royal Golf Club sponsored by Coca-Cola.

Three pairs of competitors all achieved scores of 23 points in the Pairs Betterball in the Stableford format competition, with Tapan Vaidya and playing partner Iftikhar Butt runners up while husband and wife David and Dena Wales came third.

Ali Al Hakam won an additional side contest prize after coming nearest to the pin on hole 16, while Stewart Tankard was nearest the pin on hole 12.

Nearly 40 players took part in the tournament. Coca-Cola branded flags and banners were displayed around the Club’s Montgomerie championship golf course for the duration of the competition.

The evening was rounded off with a prize presentation ceremony in the Club’s Members’ Lounge where Adam Dutson, the Royal Golf Club’s Tournament Coordinator, was on hand to present the prizes on behalf of Coca-Cola.

Monday Madness Night Golf Series competitions take place at the Royal Golf Club every Monday evening and the nine-hole competitions is open to non-members night and tee off with a 6:30pm.


1) Ali Mohamed Al Hakam/Ali Al Kowari (23 points on count back), 

2) Tapan Vaidya/Iftikhar Butt (23 on count back), 

3) David/Dena Wales (23), 

4) Rehman Tipu/Atta Ur Rehman Yousafi (22), 

5) Khalifa Daij/Khalifa Al Mesri (20 on count back). 

Nearest the Pins: 

Stewart Tankard (hole 12) 

Ali Al Hakam (hole 16).


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