*** Bucheeri named Chairman of Bahrain Bourse | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bucheeri named Chairman of Bahrain Bourse

Manama  : The Board of Directors of Bahrain Bourse yesterday elected Abdulkareem Ahmed Bucheeri as its new chairman and Marwan Khaled Tabbara as Deputy Chairman. The election was held during the first board meeting. 

The new board includes: Abdulkareem Ahmed Bucheeri, Marwan Khaled Tabbara, Rana Ebrahim Faqihi, Aymen Tawfeeq Al Moayyed, Ali Yousif Fardan, Hassan Amin Jarrar, Yasser Abdul Jaleel Al Shareefi, Dina Abdulkareem Al Ansari, and Abdulrahman Hamid Al Zayani.  The duration of the Board’s membership is three years from the date of the issuance of the resolution.

The board also elected Executive Committee with members: Dina Abdulkareem Al Ansari, Rana Ebrahim Faqihi and Ali Yousif Fardan. Audit Committee members are: Marwan Khaled Tabbara, Hassan Amin Jarrar and Yasser Abdul Jaleel Al Shareefi. The Corporate Governance, Nomination & Remuneration Committee members are: Abdulkareem Ahmed Bucheeri, Abdulrahman Hamid Al Zayani and Aymen Tawfeeq Al Moayyed.