*** Dual passport holders urged to correct status | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Dual passport holders urged to correct status

ManamaCitizens who have nationalities other than that of Bahrain are requested to contact the passport office at the Security Service Complex in Muharraq to rectify their status before the deadline on February 4 in order to avoid legal action and  fine, announced Acting Director of Nationality and Passport Affairs of the Nationality, Passport and Residence Affairs (NPRA), Lieutenant-Col. Bader Rashid Al Binfalah.

“Bahrainis who obtained foreign citizenship before the endorsement of the Nationality Law,are required to disclose their second nationality,” the director said.

“Those who reside outside the country can either come to Bahrain or assign legal representatives through a request submitted to the Interior Minister’s office,” he added. 

Forms can be obtained via www.npra.bh.bh  or the passport office at the Security Services Complex. Required documents must also be provided.