*** HM King issues Royal Orders | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

HM King issues Royal Orders

ManamaHis Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa issued Royal Decree 6/2017 restructuring the board of trustees of Bahrain Centre for Strategic, International and Energy Studies presided over by Dr. Shaikh Abdullah bin Ahmed bin Abdullah Al Khalifa.

Dr. Ahmed Hashim Al Yosha, Dr. Waheeb Isa Al Nasser, Ambassador Tawfiq Ahmed Al Mansour, Dr. Abdulrahman Abdulhussain Jawahery, Dr. Khalifa Ali Al Fadhel were appointed to the board of trustees. Their membership will be for four years. Any provision in contravention of the provisions of this order has been cancelled.

Based on Royal Decree 7/2017, Dr. Shaikha Mariam bint Hassan Al Khalifa, Dr. Faisal Yaqoub Al Hamer, Dr. Abdullah Yousef Taleb, Dr. Jameela Mansour Al Sammak and Ali Ahmed Al Derazi were appointed as representatives of the Kingdom to the Consultative Authority at the Arabian Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) States’ Supreme Council. They will serve for three years.