*** MPs seek action against perpetrators of terror | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MPs seek action against perpetrators of terror

ManamaThe country’s lawmakers strongly condemned the murder of police officer First Lieutenant Hisham Al Hammadi, demanding the government to take more deterrent actions against the perpetrators of terror.

The MPs expressed their concern over the increasing terror acts in Bahrain. They called on security authorities to “tighten its grip” on terrorist groups. 


Condemning the act, MP Mohsen Al Bakri stressed that a big responsibility falls on security authorities to eradicate terrorism from Bahrain.

“Justice, stringency and prompt implantation of the law are the keys to stop the growing terrorism in our country. Interior Ministry should stop the instigators, before the execution of terror acts. They should also stay vigilant against the so-called religious clerics who serve foreign agendas,” Al Bakri stated, adding  that the public should not exaggerate terrorism in Bahrain and promote the idea that security situations in Bahrain are not under control.


Hit hard’

Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee Member Mohammed Al Jowder demanded security authorities “to show no leniency towards terrorists and hit them hard”.

“Arrest them and hand them over to trial fast so justice could be served. These destructive terrorist acts that are backed by Iran. They are aiming at destabilising GCC states by supplying these organisations with weapons and funds. 


Weaponise  securitymen

On his part, MP Theyab Al Nuaimi noted to the timing of the terrorist crime, which came few weeks after executing three individuals charged for killing three policemen. He described it as a desperate attempt to halt justice in Bahrain. The lawmaker demanded the Government to weaponise security personnel so they could protect themselves and innocent lives.

Al Nuaimi called upon the people of Bahrain to protect their unity and don’t allow such acts to separate them.

He warned of the recently increasing attempts to promote segregation, sedition and sectarianism among Bahrainis.

“These acts would only make us hold on to each other stronger,” headed.