*** Broadening Bahraini-Russian cooperation highlighted | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Broadening Bahraini-Russian cooperation highlighted

Manama : Russia's Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov has welcomed the outcomes of the meeting with Minister of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Zayed bin Rashid Al-Zayani, and meetings with HM King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, HRH Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister, stressing his country's keenness on pushing cooperation forward to wider horizons. 

This came during the press conference the two ministers held today following the first meeting of the Bahrain-Russian intergovernmental commission on trade, economic, scientific and technological cooperation. 

The Russian minister proposed the formation of an international organization for the export of aluminum modelled after the OPEC, its membership to include all aluminum-exporting countries, including Bahrain and Russia where there is a unified price for selling and buying aluminum. He anticipated a Bahraini-Russian cooperation in the field of mining and technology. 

He said the two countries are progressing in conformity with the signed agreement between them that stipulates Gazprom company to provide liquefied gas to Bahrain after the completion Bahrain Liquefied Gas Port in 2018.

He added his country considers Bahrain as a majour investor in the Gulf region, pointing out Russia's keenness to increase exports to the Kingdom of Bahrain. 

Al-Zayani stated that Bahrain Livestock Company has agreed with the Russian side to name a Russian company to receives Bahrain's needs of meat and poultry, especially the halal meat.

He said the Russian side also discussed with the private sector the establishment of Islamic-Russian banks in Bahrain, adding Bahrain will facilitate the establishment procedures. 

He said a technological and academic cooperation will be established between universities of both countries, including Bahraini students to study space and technological sciences at Russian universities.