*** Bahrain Merida in action | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Merida in action

ManamaBahrain Merida Pro Cycling Team are in action this weekend in Flanders, Belgium which, Tristan Hoffman, sports director of the team noted the chance to see the classic style of racing and a rehearsal for the whole 2017 classic season.

The race start is usually very fast in Belgium and the breakaways tend to happen in the first 40 kilometers. It is extremely important to stay focused since the Flanders race will surprise the riders with unforgiving climbs and patches of cobbles.

“Our lead rider will be Sonny Colbrelli, who is feeling great both mentally and physically so we believe he is the ideal choice for classic races like this one. For our riders Ivan Cortina, Antonio Nibali, Domen Novak, Ion Insausti and David Per it will be the first time to ride as professional riders in Belgium. Luka Pibernik and Borut Božič have been racing in Belgium before and we are looking forward to see them on the track again. We believe it will be a goodlineup of our team. It is critical to know the course and we don’t have many riders that already rode on this track, so one of the goals for our riders will be to learn and gather experience,” said Tristan Hoffman, team director.

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