*** BIBF wins 2017 CFA research challenge | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BIBF wins 2017 CFA research challenge

ManamaBahrain Institute of Banking & Finance (BIBF) was announced the winner of the 2016-17 CFA Institute Research Challenge in Bahrain, beating other universities in a close competition hosted by CFA Society Bahrain, the Kingdom’s pre-eminent association for local investment professionals. The competing teams analysed the financial performance of Aluminium Bahrain (Alba), which were then judged by CFA Society Bahrain and Alba representatives based on accuracy, insight and thorough analysis.

The winning team will compete in the regional final in Prague, Czech Republic between 26-29 April 2017. The successful team will then compete in the Global Final in the same location.

The competition featured five teams from Bahrain Polytechnic University, Ahlia University, Royal University for Women and two from University of Bahrain. The teams presented to a panel of judges an equity research report on Alba followed by a Q&A session led by the judges.

Congratulating the winning team, Mahmoud Nawar, CFA, President of CFA Society Bahrain said: “Participation in the research challenge is a fantastic opportunity for aspiring financial analysts to learn from leading industry experts and compete with peers from the world’s top schools.” 

Each team was closely mentored by a professional research analyst and CFA charterholder during the initial research process. After drafting the report and receiving feedback from the designated mentor, each team writes a final research report which is presented to a panel of experts from top financial institutions.