*** ----> ‘Diabetes tests safe’ | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

‘Diabetes tests safe’

ManamaGestational diabetes tests in Bahrain and the GCC countries are safe, the Health Ministry said yesterday rebuffing a recent report that the tests carried out in the GCC are “poisonous”.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Consultant Dr. Saeeda Al Balooshi rebuffed the report titled, “Gestational diabetes Cups. A Poisonous Cup Given by Health Ministries to Pregnant Women in GCC States” which alleged that the tests cause glands disorders and miscarriage in some cases.

Dr. Al Balosshi, who also heads the Obstetrics and Gynecology Consultant in Salmania Medical Complex (SMC), affirmed that the “information in the report are baseless”.

“It’s unfortunate that the report is widely circulated among social media in the GCC region,” says Al Balooshi.

She explained that the test allows doctors to recognise the rates of sensitivity towards glucose during the pregnancy period.

“This reduces the risks and complications for the mother and the foetus,” Dr. Al Balooshi added.


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