*** ----> Bahrain Human Rights Society slams Iranian propaganda film | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Bahrain Human Rights Society slams Iranian propaganda film

ManamaIranian animated film ‘Battle of the Persian Gulf II’ depicting US defeat in the Arabian Gulf is conveying shameful Iranian propaganda, Bahrain Human Rights Watch Society (BHRWS) stated yesterday.

The film shows American servicemen based in the U.S. Navy’s 5th Fleet in Bahrain in battle against the Iranian forces in the Arabian Gulf. 

The fantasy battle film shows the US fleet in Bahrain blown out, as the US is defeated by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards. The animated film which has been four years in the making was made with a budget of $140,000.

Although filmmakers have denied government involvement in making of the film, BHRWS General Secretary, Faisal Fulad said that it is obvious that the film is politically motivated and was made only to appraise the Iranian regime. 

“The film makes clear, how the Iranian propaganda is similar to that of Nazi Germany. If you look at Nazi films, they are similar to this as they don’t have nothing to be proud of showing”, he said.


He slammed the film being intended to brainwash the Iranians and also seeking attention from the international community. 

“This film was made to flatter themselves and to deceive its people. This shows they are focused on war and destruction while neglecting the actual needs of the people. They want to brainwash its people, especially the youth.” he said. 

“Iran is nowhere as strong as the film shows. If they had such high capabilities how are they not able to defeat ISIS? America has the largest military and navy and they are leading in defense technologies,” he asserted.

“This kind of propaganda shows their desperation. They are losing the trust of the people and has to resort to such measures.” he added.