*** Protect jobs of nationals: Jalal Kadhim | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Protect jobs of nationals: Jalal Kadhim

Manama : The interests of Bahraini employees should be protected while merging ministries and government departments, in its bid to downsize the government apparatus, Member of the Financial Committee in the Council of Representatives, MP Jalal Kadhim Al Mahfoodh said yesterday.
Voicing concern over the job losses while overhauling government departments, he said the government directive should not affect Bahraini employees in the public sector. “While supporting the government directive, which aims to reduce government expenditure in the backdrop of oil price slump, we also express our concern as Bahrainis may be affected by these directives,” Al Mahfood said.
 “We have great confidence in the government, but the Royal directive should not affect the citizens’ earnings and utmost care should be taken before making any decision that may negatively affect citizens,” he said.
“We have always stressed to prioritise the interests of Bahrainis in government jobs. In case the directives to restructure the system of government caused reduction in the number of jobs, the target must be foreigners first, because we will not accept any negative impact on Bahraini citizens, from our regulatory standpoint in the Council of Representatives,” he said.
“We highly appreciate all government efforts made to remedy the current economic situation but it should be addressed with minimal losses. These efforts are apparent to us, but at the same time, we demand more transparency in this matter,” he added