*** MPs unhappy over absence of minister | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MPs unhappy over absence of minister

Manama : A couple of MPs have expressed their unhappiness over the sudden absence of Industry, Commerce and Tourism Minister Zayed Al Zayani at the Parliament’s weekly session yesterday.
Al Zayani was scheduled to attend the weekly meet to discuss his replies to four parliamentary queries of different MPs. The questions were postponed to next week’s session as the council was informed about his absence a day before the session.


Commenting on this, MP Ali Al Ateesh questioned how the discussion of four parliamentary questions were scheduled and suddenly scrapped from the council’s work agenda.
“Is there no coordination among the House of Representatives, Shura Council and Representatives Council Affairs Ministry and the minister,” Al Ateesh asked, adding the minister should’ve informed us earlier. This is a waste of our time. “Apologising in the last moments is unacceptable.”


Sharing a similar view, MP Mohammed Al Maarifi, said, “I have submitted my questions to the minister since last year and I have been patiently waiting to discuss the matter with him.”
Coordination needed
Replying to both MPs’ was the Government’s representative at the session, Shura Council and Representatives Council Affairs Minister Ghanem Al Buainain. Al Buainain called for more understanding and cooperation between the Legislative and Executive authorities.