*** Future doctors urged to curb medical errors | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Future doctors urged to curb medical errors

ManamaSaving lives of the patients should be the top priority of a doctor, said Dr. A. Wahab M.A. Wahab Senior Consultant Surgeon Former Vice Dean and Associate Professor, Medical College, Arabian Gulf University (AGU).

Dr. A. Wahab made the statement yesterday during a meeting organised by Rotary Club of Sulmaniya at the Golden Tulip Hotel Gilgamesh Ballroom to discuss key issues on the growing rate of medical malpractices and ways to eradicate it.

“Medical malpractices should be the concern of every doctor because it’s a matter of someone’s life out there. Patients want quick results and expect to be treated quickly but that is not always practical. The patients and the doctors should keep an open conversation to avoid complications,” said Dr Wahab, who was also the guest speaker at the meeting.

He also stressed on the need to raise awareness among students about the rising incidents of medical malpractices and ways to deal with it. 

“It requires lot of hardwork and dedication to become a medical surgeon. The youngsters who get into this profession should remain committed to saving lives,” he stated. ‘’Many university students come and practice here but we are unable to sustain them. They move to other countries in search of better jobs. As of now we are just training people.” 

The members of the Club also donated money to the yearly fundraising event, the Raft Race 2017.  

Sheikh Abdulla Al Khalifa was the fine Master of the event.