*** Arrested youth has Iran link | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Arrested youth has Iran link

Manama : The youth who was recently arrested in Berlin has connections with the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, according to Terror Crime Prosecution Chief Advocate General Ahmed Al Hammadi.

Al Hammadi confirmed in a statement yesterday that the youth, who is wanted in Bahrain, is identified as Fayyadh Mohammed Al Showaikh, 27, and that the prosecution had issued international arrest warrants against him and two others for their involvement in terror related cases.

“The suspect was recently arrested in Berlin by the German police. He is wanted in Bahrain for forming and being part of a terrorist cell that was discovered on March 4 this year. The Interpol was requested to hand over him to the Bahraini authorities so he could be prosecuted, as he is one of the leaders of a 54-member terrorist organisation,” Al Hammadi announced.

Explaining further he said, “Investigations and testimonies of the arrested criminals here led to Al Showaikh. From Germany he made the arrangements for several cell members to go to Iran and Iraq to receive training in the use of explosives and firearms at the Revolutionary Guards camps ahead of carrying out their terror crimes in Bahrain.”

The official clarified that the prosecution had accused Al Showaikh of joining a terror group known for its terrorist links, involvement in training on the use of weapons and explosives and helping the terror organisation members to escape, engage them in cover-up of terror acts and sheltering terrorists.

Al Hammadi underlined the importance of cooperation between local and international security authorities in bringing wanted criminals before justice, mentioning the recent announcement of the US State Department designating two Bahrainis wanted in Bahrain for terror crimes as specially designated global terrorists.

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