*** Warm welcome for HM in Egypt | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Warm welcome for HM in Egypt

Manama : His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al-Khalifa and Egyptian President Abdelfattah Al-Sisi chaired the plenary session of official talks at Al-Ittihadiya Palace in Cairo yesterday. HM the King, who arrived here yesterday with a delegation, expressed thanks and appreciation to President Al-Sisi for the warm welcome and hospitality he found in Egypt. The two sides reviewed deep-rooted historic relations and strategic cooperation between the Kingdom of Bahrain and Egypt, in light of both countries’ keenness on strengthening bilateral relations towards achieving mutual interests.
The Egyptian President reiterated his country’s support to the Bahrain in its war on the scourge of terror.
“The security of Bahrain and the whole Arabian Gulf is an integral part of Egypt’s national security”, he said.  HM the King hailed strong Bahraini-Egyptian relations which are based on the strong foundations of fraternity and joint cooperation in all fields.


The two sides reiterated keenness on pursuing coordination and consultation at all levels and expand joint cooperation, in this defining phase which requires concerted efforts to confront the challenges.
HM the King took pride in the stance taken by Egypt, led by President Al-Sisi, in support of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
He hailed the efforts initiated by President Al-Sisi to bolster joint cooperation, hailing the pivotal role played by Egypt, the cornerstone of regional security and stability.


“Egypt is key pillar and source of strength for all Arabs”, HM the King said, wishing Egypt further progress, prosperity, security and stability.
The two leaders discussed regional and international developments as well as coordinated stances, stressing the importance of mustering all efforts to achieve peace, security and stability and combat terrorism and extremism in the region.
They underscored the importance of consolidating pan-Arab solidarity and achieving joint Arab interests, looking forward to the Arab Summit, in Jordan, as a crucial opportunity to consolidate Arab unity and elaborate joint visions to confronting all threats and challenges in light of political shifts unfolding in the region.
President Al-Sisi welcomed HM the King, expressing delight at the visit which, he said, will consolidate mutual interests, strengthen bilateral relations and bolster cooperation regarding regional and international issues.
President Al-Sisi hailed the genuine stances taken by the Kingdom of Bahrain, led by HM the King, in support of Egypt and its people as well as honourable role in pushing the march of pan-Arab action forward.
HM the King attended a dinner banquet hosted by President Al-Sisi, in his honour at Al-Ittihadiya Palace this evening. The event was attended by senior officials from the Egyptian Government and members of the accompanying delegation.