*** BIBF, the UK embassy hold bicycle team building event | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

BIBF, the UK embassy hold bicycle team building event

ManamaThe Bahrain Institute of Banking & Finance BIBF has organised a Project Management Team Building event for the British Embassy in Bahrain. The participating teams were required to assemble a bicycle utilising their skills and knowledge in Project Management principles.

The event was held at the Bahrain National Museum with the participation of UK Embassy staff, led by the British Ambassador to the Kingdom, Simon Martin. 

At the end of the full day assembly exercise, each team donated their assembled bicycle to a child from Al Sanabil Children’s Home. 

Commenting, BIBF’s Head of the Operations, IT and Project Management, Ahmed Naeemi said, “The Team Building Event provides participants with activities that generates dialogue and enables in-depth communication, in order for work colleagues to learn to feel comfortable around one another.”