*** ----> Yoga under the palm trees | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Yoga under the palm trees

ManamaBahrain-based yoga gurus, Sherine Traboulsi and Marine Gabana organised a mass-yoga session to raise funds for Syrian refugees. Held at the Oasis in Janabiya, ‘Yoga for Syria’ was a one-of-its-kind event in the Island which attracted more than 200 people who took part in the yoga sessions led by six experts.

The fundraising event witnessed meditation, yoga session for children, mantra chanting along with several fun activities like natural ‘mandala’ creation and painting, besides a beautiful day outdoors.


Certified yoga instructor, Sherine Traboulsi, was the key organiser.  Sherine who shares her life between the UK and France, has been living in Bahrain for the past four years but remains firmly attached to her Syrian roots.

 “I feel a connection with the world and of course Syria and wanted to do something for its sufferings. A wonderful day under the palm trees spent spreading love through yoga and helping the less fortunate seemed like the perfect plan. And we were right! I was so overwhelmed by the response and free donations we received for this great cause,” said Sherine.


“There are many reasons why people gravitate towards yoga. It helps them strengthen their bodies and minds; helps build a community and find one’s authentic self. The bounties are endless and should be experienced by everyone,” she added while speaking about the benefits of the ancient Indian art for human wellbeing.

The all-day yoga event was also packed with live music played by Bahrain-based performers, Ibantuta and Kayan Music and various stalls selling healthy food, juices, jewellery and clothing.


“I work within the French Embassy’s cultural department and have always been inclined towards all things athletic and cultural. So it was only natural for me  that I helped to hold this beautiful event. The participants shared great vibes and created some beautiful mandalas,” said yoga and sports-enthusiast, Marine Gabana.

‘Yoga for Syria’ was a great chance to bond with the Kingdom’s yoga community and was open to all those interested. All funds raised were donated to organisations that directly help Syrian refugees.