*** ----> AAOIFI conference begins | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

AAOIFI conference begins

Manama : A major international conference on Shari’ah, governance and related areas, organised by the Accounting and Auditing Organisation for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI), will begin today at Diplomat Hotel, Manama.

The two-day conference consists of eight sessions featuring 40 scholars and experts from 16 countries, from around the globe, including GCC region, Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, Syria, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Pakistan, Canada, and United States. 

A number of Fiqhi, legal, and governance-related topics will be discussed at this year’s conference besides holding discussions on dialectic aspects in the relationship between Fiqh and other mundane disciplines such as law, accounting, economics, and finance. 

The opening ceremony will feature the launch of initiatives already announced by AAOIFI, including rolling out of the official printed version of AAOIFI’s Shari’ah standards in French and Russian, as well as the new version of CIPA professional fellowship programme, where conference participants will be able to comprehensively cognize of and register in. 

The distinctive new curriculum, both in form and substance, will be also available for sale at the event. The curriculum comprises almost 1200 pages in 4 large-size volumes.

Moreover, at the opening ceremony, AAOIFI will announce and introduce a milestone initiative with a global reach and implication that is expected to serve the broader Waqf industry, worldwide.