*** ----> Sudan opposes meddling in Bahrain’s affairs: Al Bashir | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Sudan opposes meddling in Bahrain’s affairs: Al Bashir

ManamaSudan opposes any attempt to interfere in the internal affairs of Bahrain by any party and backs measures taken to safeguard its security and stability, President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir has said. 

“Bahrain is an important country and we back all measures it deems necessary to protect its security and stability,” Al-Bashir said, recalling that Sudan supported the security of Bahrain since the 1980s.

Speaking to BNA on the sidelines of his meeting with His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa during his visit to Bahrain, which concluded on Thursday, President Al-Bashir said that his country used to hold diplomatic and cultural relations with Iran, but after receiving evidence on Iran’s attempts to sow sectarian strife across the Sudanese society, his country closed the Iranian Cultural Centre and cut relations with Iran. 

He called on Iran to co-exist with the countries and peoples of the region in accordance with the international norms instead of attempts to export its ideology and interfere in the domestic affairs of countries.

“Visiting Bahrain and meeting HM, the King is within the framework of the distinguished relations between the two countries. The issues facing the region require proper coordination and consultation to address the situation,” he said.

The Sudanese President said that his discussions covered several areas of interest to Sudan, particularly on the economic front. Bahrain has agricultural investments in Sudan. 

He said that security took centre stage during his talks, noting that ways to strengthen the pillars of security in the region were discussed.

“There is full coordination between the two countries to strengthen these relations, and the Bahrain’s Embassy in Khartoum will be opened soon. We have extended an invitation to HM, the King to visit Sudan,” President Al-Bashir said.

He pointed out that land has been allocated for the Bahrain Embassy building, stressing that Bahrain’s existence in Sudan has become an utmost necessity amid the great cooperation between the two countries, especially in business and economy as Bahrain is a key financial centre in the region.

Regarding Bahrain’s investment projects in his country, especially in food security, the President affirmed that Sudan had allocated lands to a number of GCC countries, including Bahrain, to set up projects aimed at achieving food security.

Combatting terror

President Al-Bashir said that his country, along with Saudi Arabia and other GCC countries, including Bahrain, played a great role in forming the Arab Coalition to stop the Huthis in Yemen and reinstate legitimacy there.

He pointed out that the problems faced by the region over the past years have created a vacuum which made youths embrace the extremist ideology as a result of the exploitation of some countries and groups, highlighting his country’s experience in confronting terrorism.