*** 40pc employees in Bahrain looking to switch industry | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

40pc employees in Bahrain looking to switch industry

ManamaAlmost half of the employees in the region are contemplating an industry change for the near future, according to the results of a survey.

Forty-seven per cent of respondents of a regional survey by Bayt.com and Yougov said they are considering an industry change for the next few months. Among the Bahraini respondents 40 per cent favoured switching industries in the coming months. 

The survey revealed that Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals industry as the most appealing industry amongst those who consider an industry change. Better salary was noted as the top reason for considering an industry change followed by better career growth. However, banking and finance industry is the most attractive to fresh graduates.

18pc of Bahraini respondents said that they are completely dissatisfied with the industry that they work in while 16pc said they are somewhat dissatisfied while 17pc said they are completely satisfied and 28pc said they are somewhat satisfied. 21pc of the respondents from Bahrain stated that they were neither dissatisfied nor

Suhail Masri, Vice President of Employer Solutions at Bayt.com, said: “It is eye-opening to find out which industries the region’s professionals favour working in, as it is easy to rely on false impressions. More and more professionals are becoming satisfied with their job attributes, be it training opportunities or compensation or work culture. Yet, many are on the lookout for new and better career opportunities.”

“Respondents are evidently keen to find and maintain career opportunities that satisfy their professional and personal needs,” said Elissavet Vraka, Research Manager, YouGov

“This is why this survey is so insightful; it provides all professionals in the MENA region with more direction, as to which job attributes are valued the most and which fields of work are excelling in providing them,” he said.

The survey was conducted between February 23 and March 7 and a total of 7,162 respondents from the UAE, KSA, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia participated.