*** Asian cleaner attacked in Diraz | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Asian cleaner attacked in Diraz

ManamaAn Asian cleaner was brutally attacked the other day in Diraz. Reports confirmed that the man was assaulted by a group of masked men who asked him not to come and clean their neighbourhood again.

Northern Area Municipality General Director Yousif Al Ghatam condemned the assault in a statement issued yesterday.

“The attack on a cleaner while performing his duties in Diraz on April 23 by a group of masked men who threatened him not to clean the area is unacceptable,” Al Ghatam stressed.

He explained in his statement that the victim was attacked by four masked men who beat him and injured him.

 “Will any sane person object to cleaning their area. They must be a group of troublemakers who intend to create chaos in the area,” said the official on threatening the cleaner.

Al Ghatam described the incident as “hideous” and stressed that the community should fight such unruly behaviours. 

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