*** INJAZ ‘Company of the Year’ contest winners announced | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

INJAZ ‘Company of the Year’ contest winners announced

ManamaThe winners of the 2017 INJAZ ‘University Company of the Year’ and ‘School Company of the Year’ contest was revealed at an award ceremony held at Crown Plaza yesterday.

“Machla” team from Ibn Khuldoon National School won “High School Company of the Year”, and “Royal Creators” team from the Royal University for Women won the “University Company of the Year” in the competition organized by INJAZ in which 20 teams participated. 

Step” team from Jidhafs Secondary Girls School won the High School Product of the Year 2017, “Ghamza” team from the University of Bahrain won the University Product of the Year 2017, “Special Needs Future” team from Al Estiqlal Secondary Girls School won High School Company for Best Social Impact 2017 and “Yabilha Puzzle” team from the University of Bahrain won University Company for Best Social Impact 2017.

 “INJAZ Bahrain is grateful for the support of all its partners, volunteers, coordinators and students for their contribution in making the 2016-2017 academic year a resounding success. The competition reflects the skills, creativity and initiative demonstrated by the participating student teams, and how crucial planning, teamwork, problem-solving and communication are to achieving success as they progress professionally as Bahrain’s future business leaders of Bahrain,” said Sheikha Hessa bint Khalifa Al Khalifa, the Executive Director of INJAZ Bahrain, at the concluding ceremony.

“This year we have once again exceeded all expectations, this has been a record-breaking year for INJAZ Bahrain,” said Chairman of INJAZ Bahrain, Dr. Abdul Rahman Jawahery

“We firmly believe every student has the right to achieve their full potential, and as mentors and leaders it is our responsibility to ensure Bahrain’s youth and our students are equipped with the knowledge and skills in this crucial time of their development,” said Dr. Abdul Rahman Jawahery.

“We are delighted to support the various initiatives launched by INJAZ Bahrain, which comes in parallel with Tamkeen’s efforts in developing youth leadership skills and motivating entrepreneurship and innovation spirit within them, as well as providing them with the necessary tools and basic experience that help them access the labour market and even establish their own businesses,” commented Dr. Ebrahim Janahi, Chief Executive of Tamkeen.

“We are proud of the competition’s level of participation, and confident that such a competition has strengthened the students’ interest in entrepreneurship, especially with having 70% of Bahraini youth interested in establishing their own businesses, according to a recent survey by E&Y,”  Dr. Ebrahim Janahi.