*** Premier salutes role of journalists | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Premier salutes role of journalists

ManamaPrime Minister HRH Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa yesterday reviewed the achievements of the Bahraini Press, and praised its role in expressing the visions of society and in boosting the comprehensive development march witnessed by the Kingdom. 

In a statement marking the Bahraini Press Day, celebrated on May 7, HRH the Prime Minister praised the dedication of the Bahraini Press, and its vital and renewed role in reflecting the pulse of the society and highlighting the civilisational image of Bahrain. 

“The Bahraini Press has proved its interaction with the issues of the nation and the citizens, and has been, a crucial element in backing the national efforts to preserve the security and stability of the homeland through sincere word and enlightened opinion,” he said.

Prince Khalifa affirmed that the values embedded in the keynote statement of His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa on the World Press Freedom Day reflects the extent of the Royal interest in providing conditions to ensure for the Press and mass media to support the nation’s progress and prosperity.

“Our national Press is based on an important part of the Kingdom’s cultural and civilisational heritage, and represents the conscience of the nation, and we are always proud of that,” he added.

Addressing the press community in Bahrain, HRH the Prime Minister said, “Celebrating the Bahrain Press Day is an opportunity to express our appreciation and gratitude to you for the role you are playing in serving your nation and society. It is a day on which we re-affirm the distinguished status you enjoy in our society.” 

HRH Premier called the Press and mass media to preserve human values aimed to achieve the Good, love, peace, security and stability across the world.

The Prime Minister lauded the efforts exerted by the Bahrain Journalists Association (BJA) to upgrade the conditions of their profession and its affiliates.

HRH Premier also praised the role played by the Gulf Press Union, being an umbrella for GCC press, as well as that of the Correspondents Club, for projecting to the world the image of Bahrain as a country that guarantees freedoms for all.

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