*** Batelco cyber defences hold firm | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Batelco cyber defences hold firm

ManamaBatelco said its customer service platforms are well protected against cyber-attacks thanks to its strong line of cyber defences

Batelco, in a statement, said that its internal networks and external communications networks have remained safe and protected throughout the weeks during which WannaCry has been loose in the environment.

“Batelco has established partnerships with well-known security providers to meet the wide spectrum of cyber threats and the value of such provisioning becomes clear when major threats, as happened recently, occur,”  Muna Al Hashemi, Batelco Bahrain CEO said. 

Batelco Chief Technology & Information Officer Bashier Sallie added, “We constantly evaluate emerging cyber threats against our systems in a proactive manner, which means we are well prepared to defend against such security threats.