*** No more strain in US-Bahrain ties: Trump | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

No more strain in US-Bahrain ties: Trump

RiyadhBahrain’s relationship with the US is on a firm ground and is set to expand further, said President Donald Trump during his meeting with His Majesty King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa on the sidelines of the Gulf Cooperation Council-US summit and the Arab-Islamic-US summit here yesterday.

“US and the Kingdom of Bahrain have a wonderful relationship together, but there has been a little strain, but there won’t be any strain with the US administration,” Trump said during the meeting, emphasising that he was looking forward to further cooperation at all levels, particularly in areas related to security, stability.

President Trump said that Bahrain was an important strategic partner for the US and plays a principal role in and combating terrorism, protecting security and stability in the region.

“We’re going to have a very, very long-term relationship. I look forward to it very much,” said Trump in the presence of His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister, who is also attending the summit.

Both the leaders agreed on continuing and extending their defence cooperation in boosting bilateral relations in light of their convergent views on regional and international issues, particularly the security of the GCC countries.

“Bahrain is keen on working and cooperating with the US and the international community for the sake of the people of the region and their aspirations for development, security and peace,” HM the King said, thanking President Trump for his support for Bahrain’s armed forces.

“We have a great relationship with the United States of America which the president presented it so greatly. For Bahrain, it has been 120 years of relationship with the US based on a very good foundation of mutual understanding and strategy that we worked upon and which led to great stability and prosperity in the region,” HM said.

King Hamad lauded President Trump for the historic visit to Saudi Arabia and his meetings with the GCC, Arab and Islamic leaders, the pivotal role being played by US in consolidating security and stability in the region by asserting its influential presence at all levels.