*** MPs split on penalising filming traffic mishaps | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

MPs split on penalising filming traffic mishaps

ManamaMPs yesterday postponed voting on amending the traffic law and criminalising filming and publicising traffic accidents, after they disagreed with the Government on several points.The difference came to the fore while the lawmakers were discussing a report recently issued by the council’s Foreign Affairs, Defence and National Security Committee endorsing an amendment to the existing traffic law.

The committee called in its report for “introducing punishments of imprisonment for a period not exceeding six months and a fine not less than BD50 and not exceeding BD500 or one of these penalties for individuals who film and publicise traffic accidents via electronic or other means”.


Interior Ministry’s Legal Affairs Directorate Representative Captain Mohammed Al Hirmi said that the proposal tackles only one side of an unwanted phenomenon and he called for generalising it instead of limiting it to traffic accidents.

“The amendment should include all mishaps and not just traffic accidents. It should include offshore and fire accidents as well. We agree with the goals sought after by introducing this amendment, but we’re against its implementation mechanism, which shouldn’t be limited to traffic law,” Al Hermi added.


Supporting Al Hermi’s views was Shura Council and Representative Council Affairs Minister Ghanim Al Buainain, commented, “The amendment should be made to the Kingdom’s Penal Code and not the Traffic Law. This matter isn’t limited to traffic accidents and includes all sorts of mishaps.” Additionally, MPs opinions varied, with some of them strongly supporting the proposal, while others had reservations.

MPs Jamal Buhassan, Ali Al Muqla and Mohammed Al Jowder shared their supporting views to the proposal. Buhassan said that the amendment is important considering the harm caused by the practices of the curious people who crowd at accident sites.


Expressing a different opinion was MP Majid Al Majid, who called for only criminalising filming people involved in accidents and to allow taking pictures and videos of vehicles.

“We must consider the conservative nature of the Bahraini society. So, we should only tackle harming individuals’ privacy. As for vehicles, the amendment shouldn’t criminalise filming them as long as the act doesn’t harm people’s interest and privacy,” Al Majid said.


MP Abdulhamid Al Najjar, who opposed the amendment said it increases restrictions of individuals’ freedom.