*** Family shattered after toddler’s death | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Family shattered after toddler’s death

Manama : A heartbroken family is seeking solace after the loss of their child on Tuesday. Khalifa Essa, a two-and-a-half-year-old boy, was killed after a fire broke out at the house. The boy died but the maid was rescued from the fire who is still critical in the ICU. 

“Khalifa was our first and only child in the family, the entire family loved him dearly. My wife and I were at work when we got the news and we rushed immediately to see if our child and the maid were OK. It takes not more than 10 minutes to reach Hamad town from Riffa, but the firefighters took more than 20 minutes to reach the place. Also they weren’t prepared.  Instead of quickly handling the situation using water they used fire extinguishers. 

Moreover, the ambulance also arrived one hour late. My   son and the maid were removed from the house and were kept lying on the street. The firefighters thought even the maid lost her life, but when the ambulance came in they realised she is alive and rushed her to the hospital,” Essa, Khalifa’s father told DT News. 

“We aren’t blaming anyone and we truly don’t know what went wrong but I do not want anyone else to go through a pain like this. All of us are in a shock,” he added. 

DT had reported yesterday that overload of power led to a short circuit in the house which caused the fire.  The fire also resulted in damaging most parts of the house. 

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