*** ----> GPIC appoints first woman HR Manager | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

GPIC appoints first woman HR Manager

ManamaFor the first time, the Gulf Petrochemical Industries Company (GPIC) has named a woman to a key leadership position within the company providing a big boost to the Kingdom’s women empowerment effort. 

GPIC yesterday announced naming Najat Sharif as its Human Resources Manager replacing Yousef Fakhro, who retired on June 1.

The move which falls in line with the company policy to give equal opportunities to women also follows the directives of HRH Princess Sabeeka bint Ibrahim Al Khalifa, Wife of His Majesty the King and President of the Supreme Council for Women (SCW). 

Sharif, who holds a Bachelor of Information Technology degree, joined the Company in 1986 and has held several supervisory positions, most recently as Human Resources Controller. She has attended many advanced courses in management and leadership in Bahrain and abroad.

In a statement, Company President Dr. Abdulrahman Jawahery said the company would continue to develop a comprehensive administrative system aimed at continuous improvement to elevate its human element and enable women to reach top leadership positions.

Highlighting GPIC’s policy to promote qualified and skilled employees, Dr. Jawahery said that the company is keen on supporting efforts to empower Bahraini women in the workplace and give them equal opportunities with men.

“There is no development without women and that women at GPIC have proved their professional competence in carrying out all responsibilities,” said Dr. Jawahery adding: “Bahraini women have taken part in establishing the Company and today, thanks to those efforts, have assumed leadership and important positions.”

Dr. Jawahery said GPIC has achieved a high percentage of Bahrainisation and is proud of all its employees who have displayed a high degree of commitment to face the challenges and also develop their personal abilities.