*** Focus on private sector growth | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Focus on private sector growth

Manama : Bahrain is targeting growth in tourism, manufacturing, logistics, IT and the financial services sector, said His Royal Highness Prince Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince, Deputy Supreme Commander and First Deputy Prime Minister. 

Prince Salman was speaking as he attended the Majlises of Fudhala family, Al Rumaihi family, and Al Kaabi family. HH Shaikh Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa accompanied HRH during the visits.


Explaining Bahrain’s efforts to strengthen its long-term growth, the Crown Prince stressed that the Kingdom will continue to prioritise fiscal policies and initiatives that facilitate private-sector-led growth. 

Emphasis was also given to facilitating international investment across key economic sectors that help to create employment opportunities. 


HRH the Crown Prince noted the current fiscal challenges the region is facing due to the drop in global oil prices, adding that the introduction of recent fiscal reforms work to strengthen long-term growth.

“This priority had driven growth across Bahrain’s non-oil sectors, creating opportunities for all citizens and ensuring needs and aspirations are met,” said HRH the Crown Prince praising the Kingdom’s long-standing diversification efforts which have reduced reliance on oil revenues and accelerated economic growth.


Prince Salman also highlighted that Bahrain’s National Strategic Urban Plan for advancing urban development plays a primary role in regulating the use of land and meeting future needs, including providing modern infrastructure and services across Bahrain.

In this regard, the Crown Prine welcomed the strong bonds that exist across Bahraini society, remarking that they support the development of cultural diversity and the nation’s development, led by His Majesty King Hamad.


The majlis hosts and guests expressed their gratitude for His Royal Highness’ visit, and highlighted his commitment to advancing sustainable development and delivering opportunities for the citizens of Bahrain.

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