*** ----> Russia to export LNG to Bahrain | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Russia to export LNG to Bahrain

ManamaBahrain expects to receive first deliveries of liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Russia in early 2019, Press TV reported yesterday. 

The deliveries would be made under a deal with Russia’s energy giant Gazprom, Bahrain’s Ambassador to Russia Ahmed Saati was quoted by media as saying. 

Saati added that the deal – which was signed last September in Moscow – was followed by another basic agreement under which Gazprom would explore for oil and gas prospects in Bahrain, reported Russia’s Sputnik news agency.

“There is a project and we signed a deal with Gazprom … We are in constant contact with Gazprom, there is an exchange of visits going on to discuss technical issues and I expect that the first tankers with Russian gas will begin to arrive in Bahrain in early 2019,” Sputnik quoted Saati as saying.

Saati further added that Bahrain was already purchasing mineral water from Russia’s southern region of Chechnya and recently signed a deal on water supplies from the Krasnodar region. The senior diplomat added that Bahrain sought to develop halal meat product trade with Russia, as well.

“I expect that next year we will see Russian halal meat across the Gulf region. We are currently importing frozen meat from New Zealand and Australia, but we prefer halal meat from Russia as it is closer [in terms of delivery routes] and of better quality and price,” Saati said.