*** Six-month jail term upheld for attacking receptionist | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Six-month jail term upheld for attacking receptionist

Manama : The High Criminal Appeals Court upheld the six-month jail term awarded to a Bahraini woman, who was found guilty of physically attacking receptionists of an apartment building.

According to the Court files, the incident occurred when the young Bahraini woman returned to her rented apartment in building to collect her diary, which she claimed was left behind during her last visit 10 days ago. The diary, according to the woman, included her personal photos. 

However, she got angry and assaulted the receptionists, when they told her that “they didn’t see it.”

Court documents say the woman attacked the victims with the help of a man. 

She also robbed them of their phones and said she would return them once they give her diary back. 

The receptionists, however, reported her to the police and the defendant got arrested. 

When asked about the incident, she told prosecutors that the furnished apartment was rented to enjoy alcohol with her friends. 

“We stayed there for three days, but I left without fully settling the bill and I forgot my diary there

“It included my photos and I got angry because I didn’t find it, thus I assaulted the receptionists,” she told prosecutors. 

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