*** Man jailed for spreading fake news | THE DAILY TRIBUNE | KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN

Man jailed for spreading fake news

ManamaThe Lower Criminal Court yesterday sentenced a man to two years in jail for disseminating false news, statements and rumours about the internal situation of the Kingdom. 

A statement released by Head of the Northern Governorate’s Public Prosecution said that the verdict can be appealed by the defendant before the Court of Appeal as guaranteed by Bahrain’s laws.

The Pubic Prosecution said that the defendant was remanded into custody after confronting him with evidence in the presence of his lawyer. 

“All legal guarantees” were provided to the defendant, the statement added. 

The charges include criminal responsibility for violating regulations, and similar offences under international laws.

He was later referred to the criminal court and the case was deliberated in the presence of the defendant’s lawyer.

The head of the prosecution pointed out that the accusation attributed to the defendant was not related to human rights activities and did not affect the right to free opinion and expression.

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